
Basic Information

Instrumentation: Soprano and synth
Duration: 2:45
Year composed: 2020


This piece was written for Rhymes with Opera’s 2020 Pocket Opera Workshop. It’s my first attempt at a monodrama.

The piece is told from a White mother’s point of view. She is waking up to the racial unrest that has plagued America from its beginning, realizing that she has her own place in the story.


What will I tell them?
What will I tell my children?
What will I tell them?
I’ve got so much unlearning to do.

About our home
And its “equality”
And its “freedom”
And its “heroes”

I have to tell them about Black Wall Street
and that people hated MLK before he became a saint!

I have to tell them about sitting with discomfort
And that I and they are a part of this.

I am a part of this.
…I’m a part of this!…
I have so much unlearning to do.

Score & Recording

Performed by Elisabeth Halliday

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