The Words

Basic Information

Instrumentation: High, middle, and low voices
Duration: 3:30
Year composed: 2020, revised 2023


This piece focuses on stigma and self-identity, and how the words others use to describe us can burrow deep into our psyche, influencing how we think of ourselves.

Whether we’re bullied about our intelligence, mental health, or gender presentation, being “othered” can keep us from discovering our true selves.

But if we have the words – words of definition, and words of love – we can come closer to knowing who we really are.

The Words is for high, middle, and low voices. It features aleatoric spoken text and a mid-range solo.


I was different, they said.
I heard every word.
[Different. Weird. Wrong. Tomboy. Gay. Hysterical. Prude. Dirty. Freak!]

I didn’t feel things like the others
So I was Other, then.
I only had their words to say it.

Their words
Crowding out my thoughts
Their words
Becoming my language
I became fluent in their words.

But I didn’t know…

I didn’t know, I didn’t have a way to say it.
That it was okay just to be
To embrace all of it, all I am

I didn’t know that words of love could change everything.
I didn’t know that words can set you free

Score & Recording

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